Therese Sellers
Photograph by Alison Anholt-White
Therese Sellers was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1960. She studied Ancient Greek at Germantown Friends School and Harvard College. While at Harvard, she also took classes in Demotic Greek, and studied Modern Greek poetry with George Savidis. She came to Greece in 1987 to follow the traces of the American philhellene Eva Palmer Sikelianos. She purchased land in a traditional village in the Peloponnese and built a house that has kept her connected to Greece ever since. In 1991 she moved to Boston to enroll in the University Professor’s Program of Boston University, where she earned a PhD in Modern Greek literature and translation. She worked for many years as a teacher of Latin and Greek and is the author of Alpha is for Anthropos, a collection of nursery rhymes she composed for teaching Ancient Greek to children. She lives in Gloucester, Massachusetts.